Teaching Research About Me Service

Teaching Experience and Interests

I come from a family with a rich background in education: my grandmother was a math teacher and a school vice-principal, my father was a teacher of arts, and my mother taught history in high school. When I grew up, I realized that I inherited a passion for teaching and transferring my knowledge to other people. I was a university lecturer in my home country, Ukraine, and decided to pursue a career as an educator in the United States. I believe that a good educator plays an important role in shaping students’ future and serves as a role model, so it is important to me that I do my best in educating and mentoring the students.

I have had several experiences that have helped me in my early stages as a faculty member. I worked in Ukraine as a part-time lecturer. As a holder of a M.S. degree in Management, in 2009-2010, I taught Decision Making Methods and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine to undergraduate students and Theoretical Foundations of Management and Tourism Management to graduate students. As a doctoral candidate at West Virginia University, I have taught two undergraduate courses: Buyer Behavior and Global Marketing. I also served as a guest lecturer in Global Marketing, Marketing Research, and Tourism Management courses at West Virginia University.

Currently, as an Assistant Professor at Dominican University, I teach four courses: Marketing, International Marketing, International Business, and Doing Business Around the World (Latin America and Asia).My teaching philosophy is based on three key components: engagement, preparation for business careers, and fairness.

Consumer Behavior (MKTG-315)

In this course, students explore consumer decision-making processes and learn different behavioral concepts and theories that help them understanding these processes. This knowledge of factors that influence consumer behavior can be used in developing marketing strategy and/or marketing communications. The topics discussed in this course include contemporary trends in American society, market segmentation, internal and external influences on behavior, and persuasive communication.

Syllabus Link
Marketing (MKTG-301)

This is an introductory course that presents the history of marketing, marketing concept, the marketing mix, methods of marketing research, ethical and sustainable decisions in marketing, and more. Upon completion, students will be able to apply basic marketing concepts to the real-world situations.

Syllabus Link
International Marketing (MKTG-370)

In this course, students explore how the elements of the marketing mix can be applied in an international context. Topics include the importance of globalization and its influence on American businesses, understanding of global economic, political, legal, and regulatory environments, cultural differences in foreign countries, brand, product, and communication decisions in global marketing, etc.

Syllabus Link
International Business (INTB-280)

This course explores business in the international context and the role that politics, culture, demography, as well as home/host country institutions and regulatory policies, play in making global business decisions. Topics include international trade and investments, the role of natural resources in economic development and sustainable solutions, intellectual property rights and other legal aspects of international trade, contemporary global security problems, global leadership, etc.

Syllabus Link

Selected Student Comments

Buyer Behavior (Spring 2019):

“Overall I loved this course and thought [Elvira Kizilova] was very understanding and down to earth. I don't really have any recommendations for changes.”

Global Marketing (Fall 2019):

“[Elvira Kizilova’s] great ability to explain, her enthusiasm and dedication to teaching the material, and mostly her excellence [helped me in this course].”

“I would like to thank you to be such an awesome professor. You have always been there for me. And [I] learned a lot from you throughout the semester. Thank you again it was a pleasure being in your class.”

Consumer Behavior (Spring 2020):

“[Elvira Kizilova’s] lectures were very thought–provoking and informative, and also the kahoot reviews we did. The professor also was very understanding with everything going on, and gave feedback on everything I did so I knew if I was on the right track or not.”

Global Marketing (Fall 2020):

"I couldn't have asked for a better class! Everything from the sims to the quizzes and video assignments all were to the point and made me learn the material very easily. Thank you for making this class fun and enjoyable to be in."

International Marketing (Spring 2022):

"Professor Kizilova has been one of the best professors I have had at this school. She genuinely cares for her students to pass the course and to have enthusiasm about it too."

“Throughout the whole class this professor managed to make every single topic that we discussed something interesting to learn and the most important the messaging and communication while teaching was very clear and precise. I believe that in order to be highly effective you have to be able to exceed and what you do and I truly believe that this professor has done it. She managed to make the class extremely interesting and was always upto-date when it came to topics and examples. During her lecture, throughout class assignments, projects and in our final presentations she managed to help us connect with the topics and actually understand them not only learn them for an example actually be able to understand what we are learning and be able to apply it in real life scenarios which is extremely valuable for me.”

International Business (Spring 2022):

“A very professional individual to learn and work with. Lead class adequately, with full respect, and in a timely manner. Addressed all and any concerns that were raised during class and out of class. The professor also constantly encouraged class for participation which led to comprehension, knowledge, and success. She is very open and caring towards her students. Dominican needs more professors like her!!”

In the Media

Marketing Students Suggest Online Ordering System